0 1 2 3 4 10 5 10 6 8 7 Cancel 8 E&xit 9 All Files (*.*) 10 *.* 17 Office Settings Files (*.OPS) 18 *.OPS 22 OPS 33 Do you really want to quit now? 34 There is not enough free system memory to successfully run the wizard. Please shut down some applications and try again. 55 The file being read contains lines which are too long. 105 Your changes have not been saved yet. Do you want to quit this program without saving your changes? 115 This Wizard cannot run on Windows 95, 98 or ME. 118 You cannot quit this Office Wizard because a dialog is active. Switch to this Office Wizard first and close the dialog. 237 The file specified is marked as read-only. Please enter a different filename. 238 You do not have permission to save to the path specified. Select a new path for saving. 251 The full path for the file you specified is too long. Please try again. 310 PROFLWIZ.CHM 311 Cannot find PROFLWIZ.CHM in the same folder as the wizard executable. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 319 The OPS file cannot be read by the wizard. For more information, see the SMSW.CHM file. 320 The OPS file you specified has a syntax error. For more information, see the SMSW.CHM file. 321 The OPS file cannot be read by the wizard. For more information, see the PROFLWIZ.CHM file. 322 The OPS file you specified has a syntax error. For more information, see the PROFLWIZ.CHM file. 328 Cannot open '%s' for reading. 329 Cannot open '%s' for writing. 330 Cannot read from file '%s'. 331 Cannot write to file '%s'. 388 The OPS file name cannot contain semicolon characters. Please try again. 392 The OPS file name cannot contain comma characters. Please try again. 393 The OPS file name cannot contain square bracket characters. Please try again. 394 Cannot find resource string %s; might be OOM. 421 ANSI_CHARSET 422 FW_BOLD 490 The OPS file name cannot contain colon characters. Please try again. 801 OPW11USR.INI 802 OPW11ADM.INI 803 RESETO11.OPS 804 Cannot find OPW11USR.INI in the same folder as the wizard executable. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 805 Cannot find OPW11ADM.INI in the same folder as the wizard executable. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 806 Cannot find RESETO11.OPS in the same folder as the wizard executable. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 807 Cannot find the INI in the same folder as the wizard executable. The Save option\nhas been disabled. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 808 SMSW.CHM 809 Cannot find SMSW.CHM in the same folder as the wizard executable. Please make sure the wizard is properly installed. 810 The file name you specified already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 811 The Office settings file (OPS) you specified does not exist. Please try again. 812 You must specify an OPS file to restore or you can select ''Reset to defaults before restoring settings,'' with no file specified, to restore to default Office settings. Please try again. 813 You have not specified a settings file to be restored, but you have selected ''Reset to defaults before restoring settings.'' This will restore the Office default settings on this computer. Are you sure you want to continue? 814 The folder you specified does not exist and cannot be created. Please try again. 815 New Settings File 816 Cannot find the INI file specified on the command line (/i option). 817 The INI file is the wrong version. Click Help for more information regarding the INI file format. 818 The INI file has an invalid format. Click Help for more information regarding the INI file format. 819 Writing OPS Header... 820 Writing Folders to remove when restoring defaults... 821 Writing Files to remove when restoring defaults... 822 Writing Registry Keys to remove when restoring defaults... 823 Writing Registry Values to remove when restoring defaults... 824 Writing Folders to create... 825 Writing Files to create... 826 Writing Registry Keys to create... 827 Writing Registry Values to create... 828 Reading OPS Header... 829 Resetting Folders to defaults... 830 Resetting Files to defaults... 831 Resetting Registry Keys to defaults... 832 Resetting Registry Values to defaults... 833 Restoring Folders... 834 Restoring Files... 835 Restoring Registry Keys... 836 Restoring Registry Values... 840 The environment variable %USERPROFILE% is set, but the folder does not exist. This folder is needed to find the Office Settings files. Please try again. 841 Either Microsoft Office 2003 is not installed or it is not properly configured. Do you want to continue anyway? 842 The INI file you are trying to use is not valid. Please check the documentation\nin the INI file to make sure you are using the valid syntax.\n\n Line %s.\n\nShould we ignore this line and continue? 843 Cannot create or restore the folder: %s 844 Cannot create or restore the file: %s 845 Cannot create or restore the registry key: %s 846 Cannot create or restore the registry value: %s 847 Cannot execute the program specified on the command line. 848 Microsoft Office Save My Settings Wizard 849 Microsoft Office Profile Wizard 850 - The Office settings were restored from: 853 - The Office settings were restored from: 854 You must select at least one application to save or restore. 855 (Debug Only) Line does not contain app token and probably should; using ALL.\n\n Line: %s. 856 (Debug Only) Line contains an app token other than ALL; may be using ALL anyway.\n\n Line: %s. 864 Warning -- the INI file references registry data in HKLM, HKCR or HKU.\nThis may have unexpected results in some cases.\n\n Line %s. 869 The INI file is the wrong version. The Save option will be disallowed.\nClick Help for more information regarding the INI file format. 870 Microsoft Word 871 Microsoft Excel 872 Microsoft PowerPoint 873 Microsoft Access 874 Microsoft Outlook 875 Microsoft FrontPage 876 Microsoft Publisher 877 Microsoft Project 879 Microsoft Shortcut Bar 880 Other Microsoft Office Application 881 Microsoft Office Language Settings 882 Microsoft Office OneNote 883 Microsoft Office InfoPath 884 Microsoft Data Analyzer 885 Microsoft Visio 886 Microsoft Office Picture Manager 887 Microsoft Office InterConnect 890 all 891 word 892 xl 893 ppt 894 access 895 ol 896 pub 897 inf 898 fp 899 project 900 app3 901 onenote 902 app1 903 app2 904 ic 905 visio 906 common 910 Save of settings to '%s' succeeded. 911 Restore of settings from '%s' succeeded. 912 Reset of settings to default succeeded. 915 Both /D and / arguments were supplied. /D resets /ALL application settings to default values. The / arguments will apply only to the /R restore operation. 916 Both /D and / arguments were supplied. /D resets /ALL application settings to default values so ignoring / arguments. 1000 Microsoft Office 2003 Save My Settings Wizard 1001 Microsoft Office 2003 Profile Wizard